Japan, one of the most literate and technologically advanced countries in the world, is an East Asian archipelagic country made up of four primary islands and over 6,800 others. While most of Japan is covered with hills and heavily wooded areas, the people of the country begin a different public lifestyle.

Culturally inspired by its neighbors for a long time, today the country combines its ancient traditions with aspects of Western life.

Japan has a legislative government with constitutional power. The monarch still retains his name as a token of political unity, but elected politicians continue firm decision power.

Japan, the world’s third-largest economy, has overtaken large-scale construction disruptions due to the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster. The country is one of the world’s largest producers of motor vehicles, electronic components, and steel.

The services sector makes up the highest percentage of the economy in terms of GDP and employment.

Japan is known worldwide for its traditional arts

Including tea ceremonies, calligraphy, and flower arrangements. The country has a legacy of distinctive fields, sculptures, and poetry. Japan is home to more than a dozen UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is the birthplace of sushi, one of its most important culinary specialties.

The country has produced many kinds of martial arts. Its most popular traditional entertainment is sumo wrestling, which can trace its origins to the 8th century.

Japan is a member of several international organizations including the United Nations, Asian Development Bank, and World Bank.

Some Points That Make Japan a Unique Country

We all know that Japan is a very unique country and many places in the world cannot be compared with it. Culture, history, food, and this is a place where you cannot meet anywhere else. Today we will list the main points that make Japan such a unique country.


You may have heard this many times before, but one of the amazing things that makes Japan such a unique country is how it can blend its ancient history and traditions with its incredible modernization.

The history of Japan now exists for a few thousand years, and it is still very much alive today. Even though this country is the most advanced in the world, but it is the best in both worlds.

You can wander the streets of Tokyo and have ancient monuments or temples that have existed for centuries, as well as modern technology.

In fact, throughout the country, you can not only discover the traditional beauties of this country but also facilitate its modernization and technological development.

Architecture, art, traditions, crafts of Japan. Also, it is known worldwide as pop culture. This is something that only Japan can offer. No other country has the same characteristics.


Food is something we cannot keep aside! Who does not like Japanese food? sushi, udon, yakiniku, okonomiyaki, takoyaki, and many more. The food is amazing! And the best part is that its taste is always different depending on where you go.

Many areas in Japan have their style of food, and a plate they are recognized for, which only makes it more interesting! Another great thing is that you do not need to spend a fortune on these foods, in most restaurants the meal will cost between $ 5- $ 10.

Most foods will become common except you visit a very prestigious place. So, if you come to Japan, don’t forget to eat as much food as you can! 

The people

When they first arrived in Japan, some were surprised at how polite people are. Japanese people are always good, even if they have the best day. Always helping people when needed, such as giving directions, and sometimes taking the person to where they want to go when they can have a prior engagement.

People always follow the rules and maintain order wherever they go. 99% of the time keeping the city very safe and clean. This is something that you see everywhere, which makes Japan even more unique in this sense.

Sometimes, it can be a bit difficult to follow as a foreigner because there are a lot of rules that the Japanese follow each day. However, they are always very intelligent and will help you if you ever need help.


Another thing is that most visitors in Japan are surprised at how everything goes so smoothly in Japan. Public transport is probably one of the main things. Buses, trains, bullet trains, everything! It is very convenient for travelers and locals.

This is an incredible time frame in which this type of transportation works. The average delay rate is 0.18 seconds! Something you may not experience in other places. Not only punctuality but also security.

Everything is so safe and if there is a case of disturbances, police officers are always available to help. Of course, many other countries have amazing efficiency. But when it comes too far, Japan drops a lot of jaws.

Convenience stores, discount stores, and many other things are constantly going on to make people’s lives easier. Convenience stores, for example, you can have anything at this time.

If you forget something or just want something simple like water, you can get it at the nearest convenience store. They also live in their name, because you can find them anywhere.

Security and peace of mind in Japan

After relocating to Japan from the United States (no less than New York City, it took me a few weeks to adjust to the surprising fact that, unlike the US, I did not need my guards constantly.

Not that I ever felt any real danger in New York, but rather that I had never fully understood how I was able to conscious myself of my default way until weeks after moving to Tokyo. I felt disinherited by my “guard”, apparently in the absence of threats to find enough evidence that it was not necessary.

 Cleaning in Japan

If you like cleanliness and organization, then be prepared to travel to Japan, where people take great pride in taking care of their surroundings.

I’ll never forget, a few weeks later when I first went to Japan, one day I saw some litter in a park and found it so remarkable that I thought it was a picture. Now, this sounds silly, but I wonder if the garbage can be so rare even in a densely populated metropolis like Tokyo – especially the notable lack of litter bins.

This is not to say that there is no litter, and especially in crowded areas – for example, Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Uno – it is not rare to see some trash. But given the number of people, the clean and tidy condition of the roads is almost miraculous.

If you wake up early on a weekend morning and head to the iconic Shibuya crossing, you can come across an army of locals who were cleaning up in the previous night’s detour. And you can roam almost anywhere in any Japanese city, city, or village, and you will see the locals watching the streets around their homes and places of business.