Best Business Ideas in Victoria, British Columbia

Best Business Ideas in Victoria, British Columbia

Best Business Ideas in Victoria, British Columbia

Best Business Ideas in Victoria: Victoria is the capital of British Columbia, located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, about 100 km south of Vancouver. The city encompasses a wide range of neighborhoods; From prolific student-populated areas to small dynamic areas for families and retirees.

Victoria’s peaceful atmosphere and vibrant real estate market make it a great place to discover your next home. Commence your real estate business is the best business idea in Victoria, British Columbia.

Victoria is internationally known as the Garden of the City, in which an ideal climate develops. The city has had an annual flower count since the 1970s. The total flowers counted in 2018 were more than 3.4 billion. Victoria’s Chinatown is the oldest in Canada and Fan Tan Alley is Canada’s tightest street.

Friendly understanding: Victoria has been named the Most Romantic City in Canada and is one of the top 15 friendly cities in the world. Other accolades include Best City to Live for Women and the seventh best city in Canada and the second-best city in the world.

Victoria is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the country, with several kilometers of bicycle paths, bike lanes, and paths in the city. The world’s longest free-standing symbol pole is in Beacon Hill Park, Victoria.

National Geographic identifies Vancouver Island as the best cold-water diving spot on Earth and the famous Jacques Costo Society ranks second in the Red Sea region for marine life and water diversity.

Real estate in Victoria, British Columbia

British Columbia (BC) is one of the most desirable places in Canada to settle down and work – not only for its stunning scenery and moderate climate but also for its diverse culture, high living standards, competitive wages, and more. Victoria, as the region’s capital, is the main destination for those wishing to relocate to British Columbia.

Victoria is precisely one of the top 5 most expensive places to live in Canada. Victoria now ranks with Montreal, Quebec, and Barry, Ontario, sitting at an average rent of $ 1,500 for a one-bedroom and $ 1,750 for a two-bedroom apartment. Victoria was the only city on the list to climb in rental market values.

Victoria is the sixth most expensive city in Canada for one-bedroom rental prices and the third priceless location in the province with a snapshot of rental websites in May, getting a mid-bed unit in Victoria for $ 1,250 per month. , And the median two- for $ 1,550.

Investing or selling in real estate is one of those things that is not going away or is unprofitable. If history is a guide, then it is very clear that those who own property have more wealth and security.

That being said, investing or selling in real estate is not without risk, but if you are careful, do your homework, or learn from someone with experience, it can be a very profitable business idea in Victoria, BC.

To sell real estate, you will need to get training and get a license, so be prepared to do a little work before you dive.

Most Promising Business Ideas in Victoria, BC


You do not need to read an article to know that e-commerce is big business. Many markets have traditional brick and mortar storefronts in e-commerce, but have eclipsed all and show no signs of slowing down.

Although giants like Amazon control the e-commerce marketplace, there are many requirements that small retailers can meet. There is a lot of money to sell your products on Amazon or other marketplaces.

Pet services

Canadians love their pets – especially dogs. For many pet owners, caring for and caring for their animals is a top priority. Why not take advantage of this interesting place?

The best thing about the pet services business is that there are very chances within it. Opportunities range from a pet daycare to dog walking or grooming service.

The great thing about this business idea in Victoria, BC is that you probably don’t need special experience or training – just a love for animals. A pet service business is a great business opportunity in Canada.

Financial counseling

Independent financial advisors or brokers provide various financial and insurance products and services to clients. If you have experience in the world of finance, then strike on your own can be a great business opportunity.

Depending on what you want to offer, this particular license or certificate will be required, so having some experience in the field is probably a good idea.

Computer or mobile device repair service

Computers, phones, tablets we’ve all got them. And, unfortunately, they all break or have problems at some point. So why not a boy or girl to fix them?

The business of device and computer repair is booming. From individuals to large corporations or government agencies, there are plenty of places for your business.

If you choose this route, you want to get some training or certifications, but what you need to know can be educated or learned from someone with the most experience. Either way, this is one of the best business ideas in Victoria, BC right now.

Courier service

If you are located in a large urban area, then you know that there is no shortage of items that need to be given to both businesses and individuals.

A courier service entry is another low wall to a business that can be started by an individual with limited or no knowledge in the field. All you require is shipping and customers.

Housekeeping or Cleaning Service

Like real estate, cleaning services are one of those businesses that are unlikely to go away. Boom or bustle, there are many things to keep cleanliness in our society.

With the cleaning business, you can serve residential customers, commercial, or both. The prospects in this business are quite wide and the customer base is large.

While this may not seem glamorous, starting a cleaning business is easy and finding a customer for it. You do not need special training or license, just the desire to work, cleaning supplies, and equipment.

Bicycle repair business

The popularity of the bicycle has increased in the last 20 years – especially in urban areas. Bikes have become an important form of transportation for many Canadians.

If you are a bike enthusiast and know your method closely, then opening your own repair business may be a viable business option for you.

While specialized training is not required, it can help to earn one of the industry-standard certifications.

Mobile app development

With the generation of smartphones and tablets, the app market is growing. While it can break down like a tough market, just remember that many successful apps have come from small developers.

If you have a software development background or a patent for managing projects, App Development is one of the strongest business idea in Victoria, BC, or anywhere.

Transportation Services

Opening a taxi service is probably not the biggest consideration in Uber’s age, but there are many other transportation service businesses right now.

Some transportation service businesses to consider are medical transportation, bus service, and trucking. Many of these industries require special permits and licenses, so make sure you do your research if you do not know the industry.

Event Planning Services

Here is another tried and true service that is easy to start for most people.

You need a solid understanding of how events such as weddings are planned and managed, but beyond that, you do not need specialized training. You want to start small, but it will not be difficult to get on the field with event planning.

Personal trainer

The fitness industry has been booming for years and is likely to continue that trend well into the future. With the quiet nature of the Western workplace and lifestyle, people are always looking for help to cope with obesity and poor health.

Personal trainers are generally licensed, but this is not a lengthy process. If you already have a good understanding of fitness and industry, you can get up very quickly.

Landscaping Services

Maintaining a well-manicured lawn is a difficult task. And it is work that many people simply do not like to do. Like a cleaning service, the lawn is not glamorous work. But it is a service that people need and is willing to pay for it.

If you can work and buy some equipment, starting and learning a business is not difficult.


If at some point you are in the workforce, you have developed a set of skills and competencies. No matter how much you hate your skills, it is worth doing something for someone.

If your employer is already paying you to do this, then chances are very good that someone else has a skill you need and is willing to pay for it.

If you are troubled by a business, make a list of the skills you have and take a look at some popular freelance websites such as freelancers – to see if there is a market for them. You do not need to limit yourself to these markets, but they can give you a good idea of ​​the types of functions available.

With our quickly changing world, freelancing is a viable possibility in Canada.

Cybersecurity the best business ideas in Victoria, BC

Software business

The software business is huge because different types of software can generate to make money – essential software, from antivirus to customized software. Everything you need as a business person is to identify the specific area that is likely to bring in funds. You must also ensure that once manufactured, your software can be used easily by the people for whom you have created it.

If you want to make money through your software business, the only route is marketing. Marketing requires that you focus on the client-based segment and focus on that segment during marketing, especially because your software may not be for everyone. You can decide how you want to make money with your software.

System Analyst

A systems analyst is responsible for ensuring that certain requirements must be implemented in the code. This means that a systems analyst bridges the gap between the requirements of a project and the specifications stated by the client.

Knowing what to do in cyberspace is very important and as such, you should be very skilled in this business. Customers are always more confident if they can see your certificates, and therefore you may have to brush to get your certificates.

Threat Response Engineering Consultant

Malware is a major threat to any business. It usually refers to a variety of intrusive software that includes computer viruses as well as other malicious programs. It can destroy the business if specified by a hacker to do so.

As a threat response engineering consultant, you are tasked with ensuring that you conduct an in-depth analysis of malware affecting your customers, as well as reassure your customers to solve the problem. You should get to know analytical tools like Washersk, Softys, Idapro, Olydbug as well as others that can help solve your customer’s problem promptly.

Some Profitable business ideas in Victoria, BC

Chatbot Developer

A chatbot is a program that helps you automate a certain business function. Like, interacting with the visitor of your website. Developers program a chatbot with scenarios and can inquire about their possibilities. And the answers are filled into the program.

The chatbot analyzes the query and provides the correct response very quickly. In the most serious sense, chatbots become more powerful and smarter as you feed more scenarios, questions, and solutions. Like a smart child.

Developers infect Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in chatbots, where thousands of gigabytes of data are required to be crunched.

Goal coach

Tell local public courses about your coaching business. Build relationships with employees and encourage them to recommend you as a coach. Another place for customers to look is in the corporate world. Golf is a sport that people do to develop relationships outside the office. To develop a reputation as a golf coach you need to be better than the average golfer. You also need to be a good teacher, learn how to be inspiring, and be ready to work with a wide range of people.

Home energy auditor

All homeowners are always looking for ways to save on their utility bills. You can provide them with an audit of your home and help them figure out how they can meet real savings in heating, cooling, and electrical use. You can go a step further and apply some of your suggestions to your home. Perform a complete instrument audit with efficiency ratings and calculations based on the age of the instrument. And don’t forget the water heater!

Home inspection

To be successful, you will want to contact real estate agents who can recommend your services to clients. The home inspection area is where you will need to constantly update your education and knowledge. New products are constantly appearing in the market – if you only know about decks made of wood, you will not know how to inspect and evaluate new materials on the market, such as composites that look like real wood. Are made for. Also be aware of all safety updates with ingredients and issues, such as off-gassing, carbon monoxide production, and other chemical precautions.

Household organizer

You can either choose to make the event work or consult on things that homeowners can do to improve themselves. Hold a portfolio of various organizational situations in different rooms in the house and talk with the homeowner about the way he or she likes. Create a checklist and questionnaire to understand how the family uses the home. Are the children busy after school activities? Or do they usually come home after school and want access to their toys? Do they share a room? All these things will help you formulate an organizer plan and become a family hero.

Import / Export Specialist

If you do not already have work experience with import and/or export, you will have higher learning out. If you are going with educational seminars and expanding your reach beyond your immediate area, you can probably develop a customer base very quickly and adequately, but keep in mind that you are on your learning curve.

Interior decorator

Interior designer is the best and classy business idea in Victoria, BC. Market your talent for building contractors. People buying new homes can often get overwhelmed with choices and possibilities in home decorating. Design some questionnaires for each key element and each major room in the house. Find out how the homeowners will use the house – are there children? domestic animal? Are residents of the house neglected to remove shoes? How will each room be used? Where can task lighting and ambient lighting be most appropriate?

Marketing copyright

If you can write a copy that makes your customer excited to buy to sell, you can make good money in this business. Unless you have a lot of experience working in the copywriting field, do the course. Community colleges and universities have online courses or classes that can give you a leg up for writing a copy of brochures, catalogs, advertisements and, and of course, marketing copy for the web.

Notary Public / Joy of Pace

In most states, a notary public is a state official authorized to testify and verify their validity by signing and stamping certain documents. Most states require that you pass an exam and a background exam. It costs very little to become a notary and your income from notarial work is negligible. Justice of the order usually performs marriage ceremonies. States have different rules and procedures for becoming a JP and execution of services. JPs and/or notaries do not have to spend much money to go public. And this is not a big money-making venture! Many states may set the fees you set for JP services. JPs can, and often do, add additional fees, including additional meetings such as rehearsals, other presenting times, and travel and hourly rates for a particular request.

Personal relationship

This business is for someone who is supremely skilled and can make things. The people who hire you will expect things when they want them and you need to be able to come up with not only what they want, but a personal touch and a smile on your face. The most likely customers for a personal concierge service are top executives who find themselves in the office until 7 am and 9 pm, leaving very little time to do all the tasks that often occur during those hours is. should be done.

Asset management

In the case of rental units, your job will be to ensure that the property runs smoothly. For seasonal properties, you will spend most of your management time, making sure the property is ready for seasonal trips and is well maintained when no one is around. If the owners leave for six weeks in the winter, the property manager on the property conducts regular checks. If the security system operator needs to contact someone about a security breach, you will be the contact number.

Solar energy consultant

In today’s era installation of solar panels on the roof is the best business idea in Victoria, BC. As a solar consultant, you can conduct home inspections and give customers a report on solar options for their particular home and site. It can generate electricity from fully developed general solar installations to ordinary solar walkway lighting systems. You may want to start by working at a solar products company to become knowledgeable in the solar energy sector. But, to be a specialist, it is usually best not to be affiliated with any one company or product and to be able to promote products and options in the field of solar energy.


Most tax preparation franchises offer courses, seminars, and training so that you can be prepared to work for them. You will learn a lot about tax education while going for them before moving out on your own. There is a lot of academic support for tax preparation and learning all its complexities. And many individuals and businesses are willing to spend a few hundred dollars every year so that someone else can prepare their taxes and look for tax breaks or tax burdens on their behalf.


If you have a talent for sewing, filling repair may be an ideal business idea in Victoria, BC for you. One of the best ways to learn an upholster is to get some upholstered furniture and start tearing it down. There are many books and some videos available to help you learn this trade. Often upholstered furniture will also need to be repaired. Provide a list of furniture repairs that you can recommend to your customers. Or you can take a piece of it, repair the people you are doing this job with and add it to the overall cost.

Used book sales

The used book sale is the best business idea in Victoria, BC. Almost everyone has a few boxes of books in their home. Why not make one of them a business? To get customers – especially repeat customers – you will need some regular shop hours. Its store is known for a special-grade (or two) books, with some first editions for sale, all paperback one dollar and all hardcover two bucks, and/or swap programs. Maps, pictures, postcards, greeting cards, and magazines are good sidelines to join your shop.

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