Become a real estate appraiser in Canada
Become a real estate appraiser in Canada

Become a real estate appraiser in Canada

Real Estate Appraiser in Canada: By the estimation of an authorized person, valuation is the valuation of property, such as real estate, a business, a collectible, or antiquity. The authorized appraiser should have the designation of a regulatory body related to the jurisdiction of the regulator. Valuation is commonly used for insurance and taxation purposes or to determine the potential selling price for a commodity or property.

Types of appraisals

  • Home appraisals
  • Collections or Antiques
  • Valuation and insurance

Offer Services Real Estate Appraiser in Canada


We provide expert evaluation of a wide variety of residential properties. An appraisal plays a vital role in the house purchasing process. A real estate appraisal introduces the market value of a property – they assumed selling price to be offered in an extensive and competitive realty market.

Donors require appraisals when buyers use their new homes as protection for their mortgages. An appraiser provides the lender with the confidence that the property will sell for at least the amount it is lending.


Although an apartment valuation may seem simple, apartment properties are one of the most diverse and complex commercial property types. Apartments vary widely by amenities, class, style, size, location, and more.

We did typical traditional apartment appraisals, proposed construction multi-family appraisals, low-income apartment appraisals, condominium conversion project appraisals, historic apartment appraisals, garden-style apartment appraisals, mixed-use apartment appraisals, high-rise apartment appraisals, and more is.


We have industrialized evaluations on warehouses, distribution buildings, construction buildings, truck terminals, flex buildings, R&D buildings, cold storage/refrigeration/food processing buildings, showroom buildings, storage yards, business parks, and more.

Operating a commercial real estate appraisal on an automated property can be very complex. There are several factors that a commercial real estate appraiser must deal with when performing an industrial real estate assignment.

It is essential to understand these factors, as this will affect the evaluation. The following is a sample of some of the key questions and factors we consider when evaluating the industrial property.


We have done office evaluations on traditional office buildings, medical office buildings, dental office buildings, office condos, district office buildings, and more.

We know the complexities of valuing office assets. There are several factors that a commercial real estate appraiser must deal with when taking office valuation work.


Retail is the most diverse of commercial property types. It differs from a small storefront building to a huge local market.

We have rated retail at auto repair/auto service buildings, auto dealerships, banks, bars/lounges, druggists, restaurants, fast food restaurants, convenience stores / c-stores, gas stations, child care/daycare buildings, health clubs, freestanding Houses, store buildings, movie theaters, car washes, supermarkets/grocery stores, big-box local buildings, NNN / single-tenant NNN (STNL) / net hired properties, shopping centers, retail band centers, community centers, power centers, lifestyle center, regional center, break center and more.


The hospitality industry is a wide range of farms along with the service industry. The hospitality industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise that relies often on relaxation time and the availability of disposable income. Hospitality plans vary in size, function, and cost.

Most hotels and larger hospitality companies that maintain hotels have set broadly accepted business standards to classify hotel varieties. General levels include the following: Upscale Expensiveness Hotels, Full-Service Hotels, Historic Inn & Boutique Hotels, Select-Service Hotels, Limited-Service Hotels, Continue Stay Hotels, Timeshare & Destination Clubs, Motels, Resort Hotels, and more.

DevelopmentĀ land

Development land usually refers to potential land or water area. Precise descriptions vary by jurisdiction, so local laws should be consulted for applicable conditions.


Agricultural appraisals are often misunderstood, as they have many factors that make up every assessment. Farming is a unique industry and therefore requires a special evaluation process. Typically in Alberta, the primary focus in determining farm prices is on land characteristics such as soil quality, cultivable acreage, accessibility, comfort, topography, and any oil and gas leases.

In addition to recognizing the value of the land, an appraiser may be asked to recognize the value of crops, livestock, processing abilities, and other buildings or structures that are included in the farm.

Be a real estate appraiser in Canada:

If you are looking for a new career and you love real estate, then you can consider becoming a real estate appraiser. Once you have the right training and experience, you can work for a real estate company, a bank, or an appraisal firm. Instead, you can begin your own business as an individualistic appraiser.

There are two different avenues that you can take to become a real estate appraiser. During the Canadian National Association of Real Estate Appraisers (CNAREA), you must perform 400 hours of classroom training, log on to 3,000 hours of trained experience with an evaluation firm, pass an exam, and the Canadian National Association Real Estate Appraiser.

Complete the foundation of the real estate appraisal course, a self-study course through the University of British Columbia

Through the Canadian Assessment Institute, the process is slightly different, but it follows the same basic format of blending classes and hands-on training. You must:

  • Take AIC’s “We Value Canada” course
  • Complete seven self-learning, distance courses for residential assessment through the program of professional studies at the University of British Columbia at Sauder Business School
  • Work under an instructor for at least one year
  • Pass the AIC written test and interview
  • Join the AICĀ 

Once you meet the CNAREA or AIC requirements, you need to check with your province for any additional requirements. For example, in Alberta and Nova Scotia, you must obtain a license. Other provinces and territories may have additional requirements.

Learning to become an instructor can open new business and career paths for you, or you want to become an appraiser to occupy your business. For example, if you run a lending institution, a real estate company, a law firm, or many other types of businesses, you want to be an appraiser so that you can diversify your offerings.

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