
Every country is different with its culture, social norms, geography, food, and climate, but some have a truly unique status. Australia is one of them. Australia is also known as “Land Down Under” because it was discovered when explorers were searching for land under Asia in the Southern Hemisphere.

In addition to being the largest continent country, and in its strange English accent, there is a host of elements that Australia loves and attracts people from all over the world. 

What is Australia known for?

Australia is worldwide famous for its natural wonders, wide-open spaces, beaches, deserts, and The Bush. Australia is one of the most highly urbanized countries in the world; It is known for its attractive megacities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth.

The Continent Nation

Talking about Australia’s personality, we cannot ignore its greatest proof: the country’s geography. Let’s dive into all the interesting bits of Australia’s geography. For starters, mainland Australia is the largest island in the world which also tops as a continent.

Australia is considered the second driest island after Antarctica. The busy Sydney harbor or metropolitan Melbourne’s horizon feels incredible that around 40% of Australia’s land is uninhabited. Lack of rainfall is one reason behind such a large landslide. More than two-thirds of the country receives only 500 mm of annual rainfall.

This arid, uninhabited part of Australia is between the continents, which is off the coast. And that is why more than 80% of the country’s population lives within 50 km from the coast.

If you are mesmerized by the red and blue expanse of the Grand Canyon, you will need to explore the vast expanse of Australia. It is one of the areas that still maintains the ecosystem of 5000 years ago, he says. The vast rocky landscape with baking hot sun and fun – for that area – will be found outside of Australia in the most natural state piece anywhere in the world. It is still largely unaffected by human infection.


In the outback extending to the Red Center, tall sandstone stands without interruption. If you have seen 2001: A Space Odyssey, you can find this rock monolith like an alien in the film. Uluru is also a part of Mars because it is red and is located in a vast area.

Kakadu National Park

If you want to see biodiversity on full display, then you have to visit Kakadu National Park. It is one of the largest national parks in the world and is located in the northern region. With thousands of plants ranging from flatback turtles to tribal rock paintings and saltwater crocodiles, the park is home to some of the most unique living creatures and artifacts.

Long coastline

Being an island, Australia draws attention to its long coastline hosting vast rain forests. The greenery on the coastal belt, which allows for plant and animal farming, makes a great contrast with the dry, red, and warm outback.

Australian English Pronunciation

As mentioned earlier, Australians have perfected their pronunciation. It has more flair, fluency than other English accents and is, therefore, a little difficult to understand for those away from the boat. Similarly, Australian humor and slang differ from their other English counterparts. It is dry, sarcastic, self-inferiority, and high on irony.

Australians also specializes in converting words into conversational forms. “Chewy” for chewing gum, “Arvo” for noon, “Ambo” for ambulance paramedics, “McCus or Makers” for McDonald’s – there are plenty of insults you’ll only find in the Australian dialect. For those who have just arrived to study in Australia, they must become accustomed to those specialties that can quickly assimilate into society.

Australian food

A country that can serve amazing food and drink always proves to be a great host. Australia is one of those hosts. The vast coastline makes Australia the third largest fishing area in the world. If you like to eat seafood, then a non-stop nonstop party in Australia awaits you. From shark meats to banana shrimp and wild-caught crabs to fresh oysters, you can sort your dietary protein through a variety of seafood options. 

The best cities in the world

Australia has more than 40 cities spread across various states and territories. Most of them are located on the coast or adjacent areas. Among the groups in this city, we have Melbourne and Sydney – two of the most important metropolitan areas in the world.

Since Australia is a country of immigrants, you will find cultural diversity in full natural displays in big cities. Anyone from any part of the world will feel at home in harsh urban Australian cities. Some of the best universities and colleges in the world are in cities where students from all over the world visit.

Some interesting facts you should know about Australia

While people visit Australia for its beautiful beaches and year-round sunshine, the Australian Alps opposite New South Wales and Victoria is a mecca for skiing lovers. Snow typically falls between June and September, meaning Australia is the perfect place to fix your skiing during the Northern Hemisphere summer.

90% of Australians live on the coast

The large desert of central Australia means that most of the population lives on the coast of this vast country. The big cities of Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne are iconic places to visit, from where the Bundi center and Trigg are crowded with beaches. Outside the major hubs, there are hundreds of small beach cities where you can appreciate Australia’s beautiful coastline.

Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world

The island of Tasmania is a walker’s paradise, with winding trails and walkways throughout the island, where the coastal trails show impressive views over Wineglass Bay and Fire of Bay.

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest eco-system

The Great Barrier Reef is the pride and joy of Australia, composed of approximately 2,500 individual reefs and visible from space. It extends from the east coast of the country to the bottom half, meaning that there are plenty of places to use as a jumping-off point to locate kaleidoscope coral.

There are over 60 wine regions in Australia

With such a large variety of wine regions, it is difficult to choose between them. Most of the wine zones are in New South Wales and Victoria, so a road trip between Sydney and Melbourne would be a large way to go if you find some of them.

The Indian Pacific Train has the longest straight train track in the world

Australia has many spectacular rail journeys. Between Sydney and Perth is the Indian Pacific region, a railway that makes its way across the country and leads to the mountainous Flanders Range.

The Great Ocean Road is the greatest war monument in the world

The Great Ocean Road is one of the most popular rides in Australia, with astonishing views and beautiful views along the route. Built by soldiers returning after World War One, the road was dedicated as a memorial to those killed while fighting and was designed to connect isolated communities along Victoria’s bound coast.

80% of animals are unique to Australia

Australia’s animals are among the most interesting in the world, ranging from Dudley marsupials to large numbers of birds. There are plenty of opportunities to experience the country’s wildlife, from zoos and parks to see these unique creatures in the jungle.